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So ... I just realized I have a blog and I haven't posted in awhile. but seriously wtf who is gonna read this shit im gonna write right now, no dam point. Might as well quit blogging.
Anyways, track is intense. After 2 practices, I just wanna stay home and eat my food !@#!@
And uh it's Spirit week this week in school.
Monday - PJ day- ok, forgot my pj pants, realized my top part pj was like a dress shirt.
Tuesday- St. Patrick's Day- GREEEN
Wednesday- Decades Day- Freshmen wore 90's stuff, but i got nothing.
Thursday- Tropical Day- probably gonna wear my sexy orange pants !@#!@
Friday- School colors day? - wear silver? gray? rally? eh.
And uh school sux. Had a scary assembly today during 3rd period. No comment o_o
so art going ok, finished calligraphy and chinese ink painting stuff. pretty cool. mandarin boring. math effin fail circle stuff. english fail tale of two cities stuff and project. history our project sucked. band ok. biology not much really. But school still sux. xD

-Phil Z =]
So ... my weekend going ok I guess. I just woke up from a nap and I'm still tired. o_o
Weekends going good I guess, friday nite was the semi dance. Had to dress up, so I wore a spiffy tie and stuff :D. Danced my butt off at the dance and legs died xP
Now I wasted my whole saturday at sci fair. So damn boring, waiting for judges, but i was one of the fortunate people who finished early, around 1. All my judges were easy on me and said I did an awesome job! :O I felt so coolio. It wasn't all bad, played monopoly with grace, cc, and ossama. they kicked me out but w/e. Went exploring on the fourth floor around the rooms, seeing other people and how their boards were so much better than mine. O_O Later after the sci fair, I realized my whole family went out to the mall without me and forgot bout me. FML.
But they made it up but treating me to some foood after. x]
So now, I woke up from a nice nap and bout to watch some tv. so glad sci fair is done. yippee.
-Phil Z =]
btw, who wants to buy some candy? a buck each.
So ... I log onto my blog cuz I was bored. Then I see random posts from all you random ass people about this thing called Boys Over Flowers (BOF). All I gotta say is, you guys are eff-tarded. Don't go watching them stupid dramas. That's all I got for today.
Oh yeah, school sucked basically today, screwed up sci fair presentation but w/e.
The only drama you guys need to be watching is this:

And holy crap, I just noticed BOF is FOB spelled backwards! O_O wat a coincidence.
- Phil Z =]
So ... Got an okay day. Nothing much to say. Went to the damn dentist in chinatown and learned that I'm getting braces off in April =D How coool is that?!
But I also had to make my retainers .. so my damn dentist shoved yucky pink stuff up my effin teeth and had to taste all this frickin nasty stuff in my mouth. I had to redo this cuz I "messed up" the first time -.-
RAWR THERE WAS PINK STUFF ALL OVER ME. And it got on the back of my hair. wtf. Had a bad taste in my mouth whole day after that.
Tonite was Music Man's last performance and even though I didnt see it, it was pretty good and stuff. Got to run around the school in pitch black O_O Then wear uniforms and get up to perform for 2 min and end the play. Oh well.
Just watched some MadTV and SNL, you should go watch some. Some funny stuff happening xP
That's pretty much my Saturday. And I got halfway thru Walt Disney book. So effin bs. Learn some pretty weird stuff. But Mickey Mouse will always be awesome to me <3

-Phil Z =]